If you don’t already have one, you may want to think of putting together a vehicle emergency driving kit. It’s always a good idea to have one, whether you’re driving around town or going on a longer trip. You never know when a breakdown might happen and in what kind of weather, so having an emergency kit in your trunk could be very helpful or even lifesaving.
Items to pack in your emergency driving kit
Weather will determine what kind of items to pack in your emergency driving kit. You won’t need an ice scraper in the Florida Keys, for instance, but you certainly will further north, east and west. Your family composition will also determine what you pack. Do you have small children, teens, dogs? If so, you’ll want to pack toys, diapers, some sort of games, dog treats, and water for all.
The basic items recommended for emergency driving kits are as follows.
First Aid Kit: Band-Aids, hand sanitizer, antibiotic ointment, bug spray, Aspirin and/or Tylenol, cotton balls, gauze pad, tweezers, Ace bandage, disinfectant wipes, surgical tape, scissors
Small fire extinguisher
Road flares
Jumper cables
Rain ponchos
Flashlights with extra batteries
Duct Tap
Baby Wipes
Water and non-perishable snacks
·Multi-purpose tools like a window breaker/seat belt cutter
Cell phone charger
Refillable gas container
Final safety tips before heading out on a long trip
Final safety tips before heading out on a long trip include checking all the fluids in your car: oil, antifreeze, and transmission fluid, and making sure your car is in good shape (tires, brakes, etc.).
If you don’t want to pack all of these things in your car, it’s best to have, at least the minimal in the trunk of your car like the first aid kit, flashlight, jumper cables, road flares and some water. We hope you never have to have it but you never know when you just might need an emergency vehicle kit.
Please be safe out there!
If you have any questions about this topic or any other questions related to personal injury law, please call us at 920-725-8464, or toll free at 1-800-529-1552. Our personal injury consultations are always free.
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